What's that smell? Only fresh air!
Pretty clouds and trees when I swim the backstroke
A lot of people DON'T like outdoor pools, so it's rarely crowded.
Going for the first time in 6 months and realizing my bathing suit (which I bought 2 sizes too small and I'd only worn a few times before) has become ginormous on me.
Sitting in the hot tub after and watching all the oaks and evergreens sway in the ocean breezes while I chillax.
Bringing my stress and irritability levels WAY down.
What's that smell? Only my hair!
Pretty trees drop all their needles leaves and goops in it.
Slightly frightening overly-friendly older women who spend way too much time sunbathing out there and lecture me for wearing sunscreen because of the chemicals.
Going for the first time in 6 months and realizing my bathing suit (which I bought 2 sizes too small and I'd only worn a few times before) has become ginormous on me.
(Waste of $$$$
Hey, what's that weird thing between my boobs when I get in the shower? Oh good, a dead bug. (I choose to believe it was already dead and floated in there rather than that I killed it with my awesome boobage)
Being all sweaty for an hour or so after I get out of the hot tub from getting so warm.
All in all I'm super glad I FINALLY put all my excuses aside and went for a SWIM!!!
My hair did not turn green
It's not dried out
I have some color from the sun but I'm pretty sure I'm not burned
It wasn't THAT big of a pain to do all the changing and showering and beautification ritual before going back to work. Actually, may hair looks better than it did after the first attempt this morning.
And I LOVE swimming!! It's my very favorite, and I need to stop letting the little bit of effort required get in between me and something I love to do!
I think I'll go again tomorrow!