I was invited to go to turtle racing at the local bar that supports my roller derby league with some of the other skaters last night, and was really excited about it, but skipped it because I had to get up really early this morning for a meeting.
Or so I thought.
AFTER getting up really early, and driving 30 miles to the meeting location, and standing in line for an eternity for my monthly Starbucks treat, and sitting in my car for 15 minutes waiting for my coworkers, I started to think...
Is today even the right day for this meeting?
Did I just get up 2 hours early and go through all this hassle and use up that much gas on the wrong day?
I most certainly did.
So, after some creative swearing in my car, I had no choice but to turn right around and hurry back to the office.
I was SO ANNOYED with myself.
I was having at least a class 4 pout, and in a moment of pouty weakness, I pulled off at the 7/11 on the way to the office for a giant diet coke and some kind of salty snack.
I walked past the snacks and resisted; I don't need it, it wont even taste good, it's not something that will help me toward my goals.
I went back and picked one up (because with the morning I've had I deserve it!), only to immediately put it back on the shelf, because I know better.
I got in line for my fountain drink.
I went back and picked up the bag again with an eff it attitude.
I can make up for it later. I'm skating for 2 hours tonight, I can have a light lunch, a light dinner, a lighter food day with extra exercise tomorrow.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
How many times have I been here before?
How does that quote go about insanity being doing the same thing and expecting different results?
Well I might be crazy, but I'm not stupid.
That bag of chex mix will not make me less tired, or give me back those couple hours of sleep, or put gas back in my tank, or make me feel less dumb for mixing up my weeks.
It will just make me feel sad, and gross, and disappointed in myself.
Just because I bought it doesn't mean I have to eat it!
I buy things that I don't eat or use all the time. I don't mean to, but it happens.
I'm going to get up from the computer right this second, and go give it away.
HA! Ran into a cool producer right outside my office from the weekly creature feature show who could not have been more excited to be gifted a bag of chex mix.
Now not only do I NOT feel super crummy about myself for eating something I don't even really want, I feel GOOD about making someone else happy.
I might be slow, but I'm learning, and I'm changing.
I've been there, and I've done that. LOTS of times.
Today I decided to be somewhere else, and do something different.
ReplyDeleteThe only bad thing I can see in this story is: your co-workers are going to start lingering around your office door like begging dogs, waiting for you to give away your impulse snack purchases.