I didn't try on 5 pairs of size 14 pants and buy the one that fit, I tried on 5 pairs, which all fit, and bought the 2 pair I liked best (when I discovered they were all 50% off at the Gap outlet!)
That goal of being in my size 12 gap cords by Christmas is feeling PRETTY DARN realistic right about now!!!!
So, super excited that I can wear size 14 now.
Kind of bummed because I can only buy them online or in the next county, about 30 minutes away, because I absolutely have to buy them in a long now, even for wearing flats.
Oh well! Hopefully I wont be wearing this size for very long, and those 2 pair and the smaller pairs of my 16's will tide me over just fine through the end of the year!
I did pretty great this weekend, all in all. We went up to the bay area to help my mother outlaw move out of dear bf's childhood home. Any home that's been lived in 30 years or more is a LOT of work to move out of and clean, and I'm really glad we were able to be there to help, but boy was it a lot of work!!!
We got in late-ish on Friday night, so the only real option for dinner was ordering pizza....
From Round Table....
My old favorite / nemesis!!
But sparkies, you'll be so proud!!! When they called me on my new fancy bluetooth in the car to tell me the plan, I just asked that they please order me a salad to go with it. Luckily dear mother outlaw has done WW in the past, and so was totally understanding and supportive, and managed to get us the LAST salad of the day!!
I had 2 small slices, as planned, and a big helping of salad WITH WATER TO DRINK.
(self high-five)
Saturday and Sunday were the real 'moving' days, though we were doing a lot more cleaning than any heavy moving. I stayed TOTALLY strong on my nutrition and ate consciously and carefully, plus burned a TON of calories I'm sure!! I tracked it in the sp fitness tracker as 'heavy cleaning' since it was more of that than moving, and boy does it add up!!
I was even good on the way home! Dear mother outlaw gave us money to stop for dinner on the drive home, and almost right away I cam up with a genius plan. We stopped at the Fresh Choice in the outlets close to home (about 30 minutes from home) where we could eat really healthy, and yummy, and I knew I could try on some jeans at that Gap!
It was like a double reward!!! I got to eat a salad as big as my head with some yummy sides, feel great about my choices, AND discover I'm the next size down while in a store I could actually afford to buy them in!!
I took yesterday off for 'cleaning sickness' but was still very concious of my eating, made sure to drink WAY more water than I'm typically in the habit of when at home, and still went to my turbo class last night!!!
I skipped the zumba I usually do after, and am dealing with a little sliver of guilt over it... but after all that work on Saturdy and Sunday I KNOW 2 hours of cardio last night would have been TOO MUCH!!
Tonight we're supposed to go to one of my favorite restaurans for my SIL's b-day, but I'm not worried about the food. I plan to get steak fajitas and skip the rice/beans and maybe even the tortillas.
I'm worried about RIPPED!! It's my very favorite class of the week, but ends at the exact time SIL's reservations start... I'm thinking I'll go and just leave 10-15 minutes early, do a quick rinse, and only be 15 minutes late to dinner. My family is super supportive of all my hard work, and SIL has had some major weight loss with WW in the past, so I don't think it'll cause any hurt feelings....
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